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Why Us?

Before you decide to hire the least expensive painter you can find, or "do it yourself", here are important points to consider that suggest the lowest price may not be the best value, as well as the reasons on why you should hire Automotive Solutions™ Painting today!

Painting can be hazardous work, whether it’s working on a ladder or dealing with solvents and dust. Hiring a professional paint contractor means you don’t have to worry about these problems.

We will not cut corners
This policy underlies everything we do from how much we pay our workmen, to choosing appropriate high quality materials and paints. Our goal is to become the most respected high quality painting company in India and we will not achieve that by providing sub standard materials or workmanship.

We will not skip the prep work
Preparation is key to a great looking, long lasting paint job. We scrape, sand, fill and caulk until the surface is ready to accept top coats. High quality primers are used always, and each coat - from primer to final coat - is checked for quality and consistency.

We will not disrespect you or your property in any way
The utmost care is taken when working in your house or anywhere on your property. Areas that are not being painted will be properly protected and the appropriate steps taken to protect all furniture, floors, appliances, plants, vehicles, pets, neighbors and anything else that should not be painted.

We will not surprise you with extra or hidden costs
Once we have presented our proposal to you, and you have agreed to the price, that's it! From that point forward we get the job done based on your expectations as outlined in our proposal and contract. Any changes to the specs of the job will be agreed to in writing by both parties via a work change order. We try to be as accurate as possible when we do our estimate so that all parties involved can be reasonably assured there will be no surprises.

We guarantee our work for a One years
Should you have any problems within one year of completion of your job, Automotive Solutions™ will correct the problem at no charge to you. Also, you can be confident that we will be Automotive Solutions™ there to satisfy the warranty if any problems occur.

Over half of our business is generated by referrals from customers that we have served in the past, the finest compliment a business can receive.

We maximize the value of your paint job by properly preparing the surfaces to be painted and by only using superior materials. Your painting investment will increase the value of your property and maximize the life of the paint. These are just a few of the reasons why you should hire Automotive Solutions™ to complete your next painting project. We are confident that once you use our service that you will agree that we are the best painting company that you have ever used. 

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